SBL Khas Scheme

  • The fees will be paid by PSMB to the training providers concerned on behalf of the employers
  • PSMB will debit the fees claimed to employers’ levy accounts.
  • Employers are required to submit their claims to PSMB based on stipulated guidelines. Claims must be submitted upon completion of training.
  • Public and in-house programs conducted by training providers who are registered with PSMB are eligible.
  • To fulfill the needs of employers who wish to conduct in-house training programs, the course contents can be customized to cater for individual employer’s needs.
  • With effect from 1st January 2010, all applications must be submitted to PSMB via the PSMB portal online.
  • PSMB must be informed before the commencement of training should there be any changes in the training schedules.